Thursday, September 23, 2010

~Crazy Good~

Life feels crazy.

I got a job.  I absolutely LOVE this job!  God couldn't have blessed me more.  It's with a missions organization called Christar.  The people are so sweet.  My boss is precious.  I'm having a ball...and using more brain cells on a daily basis than I've used in the 6 years I've been a stay-at-home mom.  I'm head tired when I get home!!! 

Mr. 5 is in Kindergarten now.  Mr. 4 is in K4. 
I juggle the emotions that come with watching "all the other moms" (you know, those who DON'T work outside the home) get to be homeroom Mom, if that's their choice.  I juggle the emotions of frustration of "how do Moms that work find time to work out?  Or do laundry?  Or the energy to play with their kids at night?"

So our family is in "adjustment mode".  And life feels crazy.  And yet good.  Because God is so good to us.

So, until God chooses differently for us...
life is crazy,
but God is good.