Thursday, April 9, 2009

Things to come...

I haven't posted in a few days....

I've had company in town and I've been working late hours at Starbuck's. But the truth be told, I've been sorting out some big decisions for our family with Bill and the Lord.

As you know, Bill and I made a life change and I went back to work 20+ hours per week. If you've read any previous posts, you will know that we are determined to pay off debt! We just knew that was the answer to our prayers.

Now we're making another life change....
We've decided I need to be back home full time.

If ever I doubted, or misunderstood, the value of a full-time wife and mother, I don't now. That job...that so vital. My boys NEED their Momma to pour into their lives. If I'm tired, or emotionally unavailable or just plum NOT HERE, how can I do that? Bill also needs me. In order for him to do his job well... the job he loves and is so good at....then the home needs to be the least of his concerns. Home should be a place where he gets rested and can go back out the next day to slay dragons!

NOW DON'T GET ME WRONG.....I know that Momma's all over the globe work outside the home...and do it exceptionally well. Some don't have a choice. I completely understand that.

I am thankful that I have the privilege of being at home and I am realizing that God did not wire me to be a worker away from home. He has given me a heart for the home...and all things domestic. So, working outside the home has been very challenging for all of us.

So here I am, working my last two weeks. I pray I finish well. Yes, the debt is still there. Now we must pray and trust God even more. But....

This post is mostly about looking forward to the future. My sweet husband told me that after April 22nd, my full-time job (in addition to our children) is to SAVE us money. I am thrilled beyond belief!!! THIS energizes me!!! How fun is THAT challenge?!

There are some exceptional blogs and sites out there. There are tremendous resources available. I can't WAIT to see all the fabulous ideas; to learn new techniques and homemaking skills; and to "get to know" some of the best of the best frugal homemakers!

Stay tuned. I hope to share some great ideas with you along the way.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

What a great story, Kathryn. It's easy to overlook how valuable we are at home, especially because we live in a culture that doesn't even see being a homemaker as a valid profession. We "don't work"!! (ha ha, says every woman who's ever run a home) Thank you for your poignant reminder of the importance of our jobs at home. May God bless your efforts and bring you a financial miracle :) And hope you don't miss that Starbucks coffee too much!