Sunday, January 3, 2010

Resolutions #3 and #4....

Resolution #3:
Sleep.  More.
Get in my room on time. 
Then, I'll most likely be to bed on time. 
Which will enable me to get up on time. 
And I won't be grumpy as often. 
My husband and kids will thank me for this one.

Resolution #4:
Read more.  I know it's not the highest of aspirations to only plan on reading 8 books in one year.  But give me a break, people.  It's about the best I can hope for at this stage in my life.

Currently I am reading (and enjoying!):

The Well-Versed Family by Caroline Boykin is really good!  I heard her speak here in the Dallas area recently and was really moved by her heart.  Her book is about practical ways to help get scripture into the hearts and minds of our kids.  I've been putting some of her ideas into practice and my kids are responding beautifully.  There is nothing more precious to me than watching my kids internalize the Word of God. 
My rating (thus far):  5 out of 5.

I am also finishing up:

Fascinating Womanhood is about marriage and how to become "fascinating" to your man.  It's chocked full of great information and practical applications...and isn't for someone who is the least bit feminist.  I'm learning a lot and enjoying it immensely, but also know full well that several years ago, it quite possibly might have offended me immensely. :)
My rating 4.5 out of 5.

I better go...I'm supposed to be reading......

1 comment:

Diana Ferguson said...

I think Caroline's book sounds great!!!