Saturday, July 18, 2009

Frugal shopping plan

We budget $100 per week for groceries. I used to never be able to reach that goal. Then I started trying to reach that goal, and it became attainable. Then, Crystal, motivated me even more. She spends $40 per week on groceries for her family. Of course, she is the couponing and deal-finding champion, but I thought to myself… “I can’t imagine doing $40 per week, but what if I try for $80 or even $60?” So I tried. Last week I spent $65. And trust me, we have not been starving! In fact, if anything, we NEED to cut back. We’ve eaten heartily. Confession: I did, however, use an additional $25 for a treat for myself. I bought some vanilla beans. I plan to try to make my own vanilla extract. (I got them in the mail I'll post about the vanilla extract-making soon.) So my total for the week was $90. But all in all, I know I can spend $65 per week on groceries, if I don't make any additional special purchases.

We never did participate in the No Spend Month in July, due to various I’m constantly trying to do what I can to help us pay off debt faster. I have planned my menu for next week. Here is my challenge….and I want you to hold me to it. I plan to spend only $20 on groceries for next week. Yep, that's right. I’ll let you know at the end of next week how it went and if I was able to make it happen.

Wish me luck!


Every Day Blessings said...

I will be asking you about the $20. That will be a challenge, I hope that you can do it.

Stacey said...

Man! I think I spend that much every day at the store. I'm going to watch too. Tell me how! I do clip coupons and match them to sales but have never been able to do what you are doing.