Monday, August 24, 2009


There are times and situations in life where we have one of two choices: stress out about it OR trust God. Not just say we trust God. REALLY trust him. Sometimes that is much tougher than it sounds.

My family is in a situation right this minute that will either draw us closer to Christ and each other…or it won’t. The choice is ours. In one month, something will happen with my husband’s job. We have no idea what it will look like. It’s scary…and exciting, all rolled into one. It’s scary because it’s unknown. It’s exciting because God knows. And we trust him.

So daily I cling to his words. I cling. That’s all I have. That’s how our family will get through it.

I’m so thankful to be in a place where I truly now realize that knowing, trusting and believing God will show up and provide IS the way to get through it. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be able to really put faith into practice. But oh…how vulnerable it makes me feel. I truly do understand that as difficult a place it might’s a good thing.

I don’t know where you are right now. Are you in a place where you are having to trust God right now? Or are you in one of those precious places where God allows you to enjoy the quiet of no turmoil at the moment? If it’s the latter, thank Him. If it’s the former, bite into his Word. It’s meaty. Digest it. Enjoy it. And thank Him for filling you up. Then wait…and trust…and obey. And watch the hand of God at work. That’s where I am right now.


Connie :) said...

Hi sweet sister, I will be praying for your journey! :)

I love "trust and obey" and I want to share one that means a lot to me ...

Great is thy faithfulness ... morning by morning, new mercies I see! ALL I HAVE NEEDED, THY HAND HATH PROVIDED! Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto to me :)

Love you!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Hey friend~
Great thoughts today...and I know that each of us, in one form or another struggle with really trusting God!!

I'm so thankful that God's mercies are NEW every morning.

In fact, I've printed out this very scripture and have it hanging in ALL our bathrooms so as each of us in our family get ready for the day....we read it, and allow these precious words to wash over us.

Have a BLESSED day!

Colleen said...

AMEN AMEN AMEN!!! Great words to live by!!!

Unknown said...

I love your heart. My husband is sort of going through the same thing but I am no where near as faithful as you are. Something I am working on daily....

I will be praying for your future.


Libby@CookingWithLibby said...

Prayers are with you as you proceed on this journey. This is a beautiful post. Very well written and touching :)