Monday, March 30, 2009

Join me for coffee.....

Just this morning, I came across this Kettle Club meeting, hosted by Exemplify blog. I love this!

Here is how it works:
• Women who want to make the commitment to spend 5-10 minutes (or more!) of time in the Word before blogging each day, will join up.

• Each month, we will post little devotional questions and encouragement to help hold one another accountable
• The last week of the month we will link up and share what we are learning in our private, devotion time.

Basically, it’s women sharing our hearts of what God is teaching us in our daily time with Him. Don’t you love that?!!

They gave us some discussion questions to choose from while discussing our March time in the Word.

Do you have a certain morning system that accompanies your quiet time?
I do! I try my best to get up between 5:30 and 6:00 am. I usually go to bed way too late to get up closer to 5:30, but I’m always striving to improve in that area. My coffee starts to brew at 5:30, so I just have to grab a nice hot cup…and plant myself on the couch, in the quiet. Currently, I am “Joining the Journey” with my church, as we study the Old Testament in 2009. After my time in the Word, I spend some time in prayer. I am a pray-out-loud-type-of-person. I love to feel that God and I are just chatting. So, needless to say…I struggle with getting frustrated, when someone tries to join me in the room. :)

Another question is:
Share a standout lesson you’ve learned this month and why it has made such an impact on you.
Since I just now discovered this today, I’ll answer only from today’s time.
In Exodus 23, God told the Israelites that He would be preparing and leading the way for them to enter the promised land. He said He would go before them and drive out the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites before them. Verse 29 reads, “But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.”

I have talked about how Bill and I are determined to pay off debt. I have taken on a part time job; we are focused, counting every penny; and we are praying. We have prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed that God would allow us to finish this much quicker. We’ve been praying for 4 years about this. God HAS provided. He HAS been faithful. But we are STILL in this battle.

This passage this morning revealed to me that although God has chosen to not yet wipe out this debt, He is still active. His plan is perfect. He knows what He is doing.

We are to be faithful to walk with Him; do what we know is right…daily; and to seek Him. We WILL “take possession of the land”. God WILL see us through. We need only to trust Him for His perfect timing.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to stop by over at the Exemplify blog and see what other “kettle clubbers” are saying. You just might be inspired!

If you’d like, leave me a comment and share with me what YOU do in your daily time with God. I’d love to know!


Kristen said...

I'm a pray out loud person, too! So I understand feeling a little disappointed when someone walks into the room! LOL!

I also journal my prayers when I cannot say them out loud. It makes it feel like I am!

So glad you joined us today. Welcome to the club!

Lula! said...

I am a pray out loud gal, too! I long for the day when I get to talk to Jesus face to face...and I also just wanna crawl in His lap and sit for a long, long while.

Thanks for sharing your was a blessing for me to read.

Colleen said...

I also pray out loud......I am NOT a way, no how.....

Debbie Petras said...

I love how you gave a specific example of something you're learning and applying it to your life. I don't often pray out loud during my quiet time but maybe that is something I will do.

Jennsmere said...

Stopped in for a visit and enjoyed your blog!

I'm an 'out loud' gal too! Sometimes very.very.loud!

Bless you,